Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion Full Map
Line B is a light blue coded and circular line that intersects with many other lines. On the right middle it meets (yellow) at B01.
Splatoon 2 Splatoon series. Full-game Leaderboard Level Leaderboard View all Return of the Octarians (01) Welcome to Octopia (02) Sunset. Hero Mode Octo Expansion Miscellaneous. Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion: Starting Area. I started working on this map, about a year ago and the main issue was that it was missing a few things, but then i recently got a new version of the rip, that had everything in it. So I just continued working on it and then finished it.
Wassup 8-Ball Station, up above it meets the left end of (grey) at B15. Ink From Above Station, and below it meets the right end of (light green) at B02.
Poppin' Fresh Station, and again on the left side at B08. Righteous Rails Station. At the bottom center it meets the lower end of (purple) at B05. Wack 8-Ball Station, and it also meets the line on the middle left at B10. Ink 'n' Slide Station.View a complete list of all the stations for complete walkthroughs below:Line B Stations. Thang Location.
This is the GMOD version of the map, the SFM version isIf anyone knows how to put fog under the map, please tell me!This is Moray Towers from Splatoon 2 in Garry's Mod.It's also the first map I made that has working phong.Credits:Lpower531 (me): Porting the models, materialsCrueldude100 and FissionMetroid101 for technical help with converting textures, phong, and other Source engine bulls. (the source engine is very annoying at times)Promo art made by:. Blacky Inkling. Clay Entertainment.
DaVinci030. FancyNight. JonathanFess. Loocario. Snake up tilt hitbox brawl. OctoBlueMaddie.
Rai Saber. ☆Vele.Roxin☆. xNova Nebulax.