The Banner Saga Mods
Banner Saga 3 is the final dramatic chapter in the mature, story driven Viking RPG series which has won over 20 awards and has been nominated for 4 BAFTA.
At this page, you will find a list of all the more important decisions to take throughout the game, i.e. Ones that have considerable bearing on the course of the campaign and which, as a result of careless actions, may end in death of one of the playable characters.Later on in the text, for obvious reasons, numerous spoilers can be found so, I recommend that you use the information only if you have already beaten the main storyline and you are going to play the game again, in order to find out about the outcomes of alternative decisions.Note - each of the mentioned decisions has been described, in much more detail, in the chapter devoted to the walkthrough for the game. The purpose of the below list is only to draw your attention to all the important events, so that you do not have to look for them in the main part of this guide.
Egil may die if you select the wrong dialogue options.If, during the battles that you fight in Skogr you let Alette and Egil take part in the fights, alongside with the rest of the party, Egil's life will be threatened at some point. If you want to save the boy from death, you need to wait for a window, which informs of the appearance of a monster right next to Alette, to pop up. First, you need to select the 'Shoot it with an arrow' dialogue option, and then 'Stop thinking! Shoot the dredge!'
More about this, at the page entitled 'Skogr'. Selection of the last dialogue option on the list results in Hogun's and Mogun's joining the caravanAlong your way to Frostvellr the caravan will stop, for a moment, in a small Village. Right after you leave it, a cutscene of the meeting with Hogun and Mogun will start.
This coincided with the great military force organised by the Normans. Medieval europe feudalism system. Elements of the Roman regime were transferred to European feudalism.
If you want them to join your caravan permanently, you need to select the third dialogue option (Side with the brothers) and, additionally, fight a battle with a group of hostile villagers. To learn more, see the page entitled 'The journey to Frostvellr'. Meeting with Ekkill is only one of the alternativesYou can complete the second chapter of the game in several different ways, by making your decision during the stay in Frostvellr. The important piece of information is that the decisions that you make will have a bearing on how chapter four of the campaign mode starts so, the effects are not immediate. In general terms, you can behave in three different ways, i.e. Stay behind the city walls (using the Rest building or retreating from the city after the meeting with Onef or Ekkill), gain access into the city and start cooperation with Ekkill or to gain access to the city and reject working with Ekkill.
Additionally, I recommend that you discourage Hogun and Mogun (if they are travelling on the caravan) from attacking the gates (this will happen if you decide to wait through the situation) because, they will die otherwise. To learn more, see the page entitled 'Frostvellr'. You need to decide the fate of prince LudinDuring your journey to Ridgehorn, the caravan will encounter a group of giants commanded by Fasolt. Towards the end of the meeting, you will have to decide whether to leave prince Ludin with the caravan (Walk away) or to send him away, against his will, to Grofheim (Lay the prince flat and send him off to Grofheim).
The former is a definitely better choice because, even if Ludin continues along with your caravan, his life will never be put to any threat. By sending him away, you will lose the opportunity to take the service of, as many as, three characters, because also Yrsa and Bersi will leave with Ludin. To learn more, see the page entitled 'Journey to Ridgehorn'. The last two options on the list may result in your losing the heroSoon before you reach Ridgehorn the caravan will encounter a group of monsters in the forest. While reacting to the appearance of the enemy army, avoid the fourth (Draw them into the woods and set them on fire) and the fifth (Lure them into the woods without the fire) option because, in the heat of the events, you can lose Yrsa irreversibly (as long as she is still travelling on the caravan). To learn more, see the page entitled 'Journey to Ridgehorn'.
Ekkill may be a member of the caravan from the very beginning, or the option to join him will appear later onThe beginning of the fourth chapter of the game (the visit to Frostvellr) depends on the choices that you make towards the end of the second chapter. Depending on how you behaved earlier, you can be in the city or outside of it.
What is even more, Ekkill can be a member of the caravan from the very beginning or, about what you want to decide on his proposal to join the caravan, you may be asked later (while attempting to leave the city or after you meet him on your way to Wyrmtoe). To learn more, see the pages entitled 'Frostvellr' and 'Journey to Wyrmtoe'.
Supporting Oddleif's action will let you strengthen the caravanAlong your path to Wyrmtoe or Grofheim an event, connected with Oddleif, and her desire to train new archers, will occur. It is a good idea to let her do so, (Encourage Oddleif to train the women), thanks to which a group of villagers will be turned into fighters, later in the journey. What is even more, in the sixth chapter of the game, soon after you leave Haukstorp, the current party should be joined by a new archer named Nid. To learn more, see the pages entitled 'Journey to Wyrmtoe/Grofheim' (Chapter 4) and 'Journey to Sigrholm' (Chapter 6). Leaving the city, without helping the giants, is not a good ideaThe entire fifth chapter takes place in Einartoft and the most important decision concerns the onslaught of the army of monsters. You can deal with blowing up of the bridge, with the help from Eyvind, immediately, take part in the fights on the bridge, or leave the city without helping the giants. In the case of the last one, the caravan will be left by Krumr and he will not appear in the following two chapters of the campaign mode.
To learn more, see the page entitled 'Einartoft'.